The Iconfactory

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What are iContainers?

iContainers are pre-saved sets of icons bundled into a convenient single file for use on the Macintosh platform. When you download and import icons stored in an iContainer from The Iconfactory or a third party, you get a great deal of additional information associated with the icons that it holds. This information can include the author's name, comments, copyright and URL links, but most importantly, keywords. Keywords make searching a snap once you've imported the iContainer into Panic's and The Iconfactory's application - CandyBar. We invite you to visit the CandyBar homepage at Panic to learn more.

iContainers can hold various types of resources including, but not limited to, standard desktop icons, system replacement icons and Leopard Dock replacement resources. Selecting any icon in CandyBar and getting information on it will reveal all of the various forms of meta data associated with it. From there you can edit, append or delete keywords, adjust copyright information and even assign icons as system replacements such as the default folder, trash can and others.

Using iContainers

To use an iContainer, simply double-click it in the Finder. If it is not already running, CandyBar will launch and automatically create a new collection in your icon library. You can also import iContainers by simply dragging and dropping the iContainer directly into CandyBar's List Pane. If you would like to view the contents of an iContainer before importing it into CandyBar, and you are running Mac OS X 10.5 or later, simply select the iContainer in the Finder and press the spacebar. This will activate OS X's Quicklook feature and you can browse the icons within the iContainer quickly and easily.